Monday, June 1, 2020

VT-ALERT Update - Link in Text Messages

Happy June VT-ALERTers!

Everbridge, the platform which VT-ALERT is performed on, is shortly updating the way text messages will appear for the recipient (you). Beginning June 3, 2020 VT-ALERT will send out texts with a link if the alert is longer than 160 characters. If the alert is longer that 160 characters, a link will be included in the text line to direct you to an Everbridge page that will include the full text of the alert. You will no longer receive multiple text messages or large texts after June 3, 2020.

All other forms of delivery (email, the Everbridge app, phone calls, faxes, etc) will remain unchanged. This only will only affect text messaging, not other forms of communication.

All text message links will start with followed by the rest of the generated link. The text short code (the phone number that will have sent the text) will remain the same. Please be vigilant of scammers. If the links or numbers do not look like what is described, please practice safe browsing.

If you do not have the Everbridge app, it is a great way to receive alerts. The Everbridge app is available for iOS (Apple) and Android devices for free. The app allows for the full message to be displayed, images that were included will show up, and is faster and more secure form of communication. The app can be used for profile and contact management as well.

Another reminder will be sent out tomorrow, June 4, 2020.

Contact the VT-ALERT Administrator with any questions you may have at and we will try our best to answer them for you.


Vermont Emergency Management

To Update your VT-ALERT Profile - Click Here.  For info on VT-ALERT go to and manage your account settings. If you have issues with your account, please contact the VT-ALERT Administrator at (800) 347-0488 or by emailing

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