Monday, June 29, 2020


Vermont Agency of Transportation (AOT) is replacing the deck of the US Route 5 bridge over Sacketts Brook in Putney Village between Soundview Paper, the General Store and Basketville.

The bridge will be CLOSED to all traffic to accommodate one phase of construction. The vehicle closure is scheduled for July 6–20, 2020.

Local traffic can access Sand Hill Road as an alternate bypass from Route 5 and/or Westminster Road. The speed limit is 25 miles per hour. Sand Hill Road will be patrolled during the bridge closure.

Sand Hill Road has a weight limit of 24,000 lbs. It is mandatory that all over weight vehicles use Interstate 91, to Westminster, Vermont from there follow Route 5 south.

Keep in mind when traveling Sand Hill Road that the road is narrow. There is the high probability that people and/or children will be walking, biking or standing on Sand Hill Road. Use extreme caution.

If you should have any questions please contact the Town Manager at 387.5862 extension 11.

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