ROAD CLOSURE: Kimball Hill Putney VT - October 31, 2019
Per the order of the Putney Select Board Kimball Hill, Putney, VT will be closed on October 31, 2019 from 5:00 p.m. through 8:00 p.m. for the children's Halloween festivities. Kimball Hill will be closed to vehicle traffic at the junction of Route 5 to approximately Signal Pine Road (Putney Cares area). Alternate routes are recommended via Sand Hill Road and/or Signal Pine Road in order to avoid this area of closure. Sand Hill Road will accommodate two way traffic as usual. Please drive slow to avoid any incidents. The Windham County Sheriff will be assisting with traffic control. The Fire Department will be on hand for emergencies if they should arise. If you have a concern please contact our office at 387.5862 extension 11 or the Fire Department at 387.4372.
News releases and other important information from Vermont Emergency Management and VT-Alert.
Thursday, October 31, 2019
ROAD CLOSURE: Kimball Hill Putney VT - October 31, 2019
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